If you extrapolate to a future where all information is on-line, how important is “knowing” vs having the ability to find what you need?
“Knowing” will always be important, especially when combined with experience. I wouldn’t want to cross a bridge designed by someone who learned finite element analysis by reading Wikipedia.
But “finding” is an increasingly important skill, and we largely just assume people figure it out. But when I watch people use Google (or other search engines), I see a huge range of skill — some search, go through page and page of results, and declare “I can’t find it”. Others are adept at tweaking: quoting key phrases, negating words to omit unwanted categories of results, doing site-specific searches, etc.
I think we need to start teaching the skill, and I’m noodling on the idea of teaching a short class (1-2 hours) on how to search with Google.
You should
1. definitely teach the class
2. let me know when it is so i can attend
3. not limit your view to google – many ways yo serach/sekk/find other than google
3. publish a lot more of your thoughts on this subject here or anywhere